Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I feel like being fired from a job for blogging is prett ridiculous. As long as it's not getting in the way of your job performance, it really shouldn't be a big deal. Also, I feel like it's semi-unconstitutional to limit what you want to say. I personally do have a blog (well, a Tumblr, so it's mostly just pictures of models and trendy clothes...) and some of the content may be questionable, but I don't think any of it can be grounds for firing. Sure, I might get grounded for exposing the Internet to my life and my family, but it's really not a huge deal.
As for Julie & Julia, I really enjoyed it. Maybe it's because I love Merryl Streep, but it was a really great film. I also thought it was pretty cool that her and her husband were both in the Devil Wears Prada. Other than that I realy do not have any kind of opinion on blogging, except that it should be kept personal and should not effect your work ethic.

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